Primrose Chiffon

                                 Primrose Chiffon: Fantasy Tale
Once Upon a Time...

During the Renaissance Period, lived a young seventeen-year old girl named Primrose Chiffon, when she was a baby, she had the curse to never lie! Her parents were really worried about her, sure you should never lie, but sometimes you've got to lie for your safety and protection. When her fairy Stepmother came in to check on her, her parents were begging her to undo this dreadful curse, she agreed all right, but put instead an even worser curse! She did a dreadful curse to always obey anything, anyone says to her and that in her 18th birthday, she shall become a werewolve..FOREVER! Nobody knew what to do, except sent her with Miguel de Cervantes, author of the Don Quixote de la Mancha. Miguel raised Primrose in a protestant church. Which meant indeed she was protestant, and her royal family were Catholics but..Shhh.. It's a secret.

To be continued...


  1. Check every day for the adventures of Primrose and on December 18th, Primrose's diary entry will come out!


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