Primrose Chiffon-Pt. 2

                                 Primrose Chiffon-Pt.2

Years have passed, Primrose adopted a little kitten, scared, lonely and frightned! She named her Primrosie. Primrose went to a public school in Spain when she was 6, and had to attend middle school and high school at a boarding school in England. Where she met William Shakespeare, her teacher that taught her to speak English (not in the language of Shakespeare).

"Would you like some tea?" Shakespeare said

"Yes, Gracias" Primrose said politely

It was 1597, he was writing Romeo and Juliet, Primrose suggested that she could sell books back in Spain in Spanish. Shakespeare said it was delightful idea! So she wrote his book in Spanish and sent her copy to Germany, where the printing press was after Gutenberg's death.

"I named the Spanish Version, Romeo y Julieta, Is that all right, Mr. Shakespeare?"

"It's all right indeed, Ms. Chiffon" Shakespeare said

She was 19 now, she didn't have the curse anymore if the fairy stepmother died before she was 18, the curse will be lifted because only she can control the curse! She died on April 9, 1596.

To be continued..
