School Play Awkwardness

So, I went back to school from Cancun, and then my friend is like, "Maria, there's a school play in session. Of course, this is when I started freaking out, think I was surrounded by pink cotton candy clouds, then with some very brave eyes, I was like, "I ain't no chicken!"

I wanted to be Wendy, but then I remembered an 8th grader is Peter Pan, and it'be gross to have to act in an all lovey-dummy way. So, I wanted to be Tinkerbell!

"oh shoot."

Those are the words I said right after I got my part. I got to be one of the Lost Boys. But I'm not even a boy! The Director who is a famous actor said the "Lost Boys" were gonna be the lost kids. Quote on quote.

I was sneaking around the director's stuff (Like we all haven't done that to a teacher or an adult.), then I read the script and some of the parts with Peter Pan and Wendy was when they were about to kiss. What I mean is, be happy with what you get and enjoy theather!


P.S. Enjoy an episode of Peppa Pig. 
P.P.S Don't judge me! 😠
